Thursday, March 31, 2011

After Reading Chapters 3 and 4 in EPTAS

1. Dr. Sanders mentions several "unintended consequences of good medicine." Please pick one and elaborate/explain.
2. Dr. Sanders mentions the power of touch. What does she say about touch, and do your own experiences resonate with what she says? This article from 2006 explores a different aspect of touch, medicine and the immune system. Taking both of these perspectives into account, if you were designing a training program for doctors, what might you have them do to prepare them for touching their patients?
3. The final statement in chapter 4 is very charged. Please address and assess Dr. Sander's assertion.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

After Reading Chapter 2

How did Dr. Fitzgerald go about determining her diagnosis? What mistake did she make? Why do you think happened? Was this a realistic scenario?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Every Patient Tells A Story: Chapter 1

After reading the introduction and Chapter 1, what are some surprises or comments you have on how doctors really diagnose patients? Did you find the reading interesting? Scary? Reassuring? Please share your thoughts.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Brain Rules!

Go to the Brain Rules website and find the list of brain rules at the bottom of the page. Pick two of them and work through the interactive animation that is provided for each. When you are done, comment on which brain rules you chose, something that you learned or found interesting about each one, whether or not the rules you chose resonates with your own experiences, etc.